In the beginning there was guff.

And how was it made sense of? Apparently thus …

There was eye thinking eye a loan. But eye was ear too.
…..And eye beheld ear. And ear hearkened unto eye’s view.

And eye found it ear to eye’s taste, just as eye’s taste too mutually, and so eye to eye
…..agreed without ever asking should we be moved by this?

Of a certainty we could be moved; there was choice it seemed.

So there was time, but why bother travel? We come across one another all the time,
…..for it is but a smell world is it not, and fragrant,
……….not to say flagrant at times in its excess?

Or so eye feel it. And eye feel eye am ear continually.
…..And behold eye mainly feel good. At least on days when eye feel good.

And it feels there is sense, though whether sense makes sense itself who can say?
…..Or does any sense only co-merge with eye?

Eye sense of course that eye may make sense, but how does sense make eye?

Despite this uncertaincy, and that the likelihood of choice’s actuality remaining
…..questionable, in quest of some comfort eye hold in mind two fundamental rubrics
……….[in addition to adopting the conventional illusion of (I)dentity]:

1. I shall dwell in the house of guff forever;


2. I shall try never to underestimate the power of guff.

About Ben Naga

The Spirit that graces me with its passing has no name and stems not from thoughts and words, though it gathers them up as it flows, but from feeling.

Posted on June 14, 2011, in Guff and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

    • Thank you, Sue. And for deciding to “follow” TBOG. It has been going since June 2011 and there’s plenty of good stuff (imho 🙂 ) in the archives. The plan has always been to condense the best items into a published book.


    • A further taster:


      For each person, there is a star shining in the sky, whose function is to give direction.

      Insofar as we exert ourselves to row our boat as fast as we may towards the reflection of the star we perceive on the waters before us, we have already attained to perfection.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. The reflection shall always be just the right amount of far away & live in the right amount of the state of perfection.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. “We are always where we are.”

    Potentially at least.


    P.S. Meanwhile I find that once again I have fallen behind in reading and responding to your posts. 😦 I could certainly do with a clone to deal with my WP entanglement thus releasing another me or two to pursue the other sundry aspects of my existence. But then perhaps that is already happening and it is I who have lost my way in the labyrinth of being.

    As to “brilliantly said”; I disclaim credit. After all you know how it is.


    • It is such an interesting thing to ponder, if we are always where we are, why is there the tendency to always question where it is we are going? Would that indicate that we are perpetually moving and therefore changing our being and each moment calls into question who we are based on where we are at? The passage of time means the passage of our being or in other words the change of our being which then calls us to ask who are we now?

      Liked by 1 person

      • And life goes on. It’s that paradox of being both One and separate.


      • Such an interesting and infinite conundrum to ponder. Indeed I give much of my time and energy to puzzling that little mystery out.

        Liked by 1 person

      • “In The Beginning” seems to me to be quite similar to “Where’s Alice” as an approach to describing the ineffable so I thought you might appreciate reading it.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I agree. I wholeheartedly connected to your story. I felt what you meant which was so much more than the simple words lay out. Or at least it felt that way. I couldn’t understand what I felt I was understanding. If that makes sense.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It has been asserted that men THINK while women FEEL. Well, there is something in that, but for me matters are not quite so black-and-white.

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      • With my experience with my husband, I would definitely agree that he leads with his thinking. But he loves so genuinely and so softly I would never go about the business of thinking that he doesn’t lead with his feelings. I think the best men have learned how to lead their thinking with their feelings.

        A realm that many men don’t get to explore for a general stereotype of men in the modern world is that they must be tough and generally speaking feelings aren’t usually associated with strength. Which has left a large group of men cut off from that which makes them whole, leaving them feeling empty and in need of something meaningful. Truly they are in need of the wholeness of themselves they are neglecting in order to fulfill the facade of manhood the negative stereotypes demand.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Amen to that. I often think this may be done deliberately via TV, films, advertising etc, to keep them lost and empty; ripe picking for those who want to rule them. Not that I am the only person who has that suspicion/belief either.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Indeed to social conditioning that is being done on a moment to moment basis is out of this world to consider. But they have their programming set up wonderfully well to never let the lost realize how controlled they truly are. They walk around with the term free will but never realize they hold the label freely oppressed as they have given their selves to serving something beyond their understanding. Yet not something beyond their power to influence. So controlling is the system that many never catch wind how they were lost before they were ever given a chance to think.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Let us hope a change is coming to the benefit of all.


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